Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-30-2024


Prices are rangebound again today so far. There is an overhead gap on today’s chart, and if prices can push higher to fill that gap, that first target would be at 5147.25.

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-29-2024


I am back in the office this morning as promised, but I am swamped as you can imagine. It will take me a few days to catch up, but I will be

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-17-2024


It looks as if prices are still attempting to test the long-term upsloping trend line on the daily chart, so that is likely our first target. They rallied prices during the thin

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-16-2024


Prices are mostly range bound this morning, but the overall bias is still slightly down for now. That could change as the day progresses, but it appears prices are pushing lower to

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-15-2024


Prices rallied overnight, only to turn down soon after the regular session opening. The retail sales numbers came in higher than expected, which gives further reasons for the Fed to delay any

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-12-2024


The trend and bias are down again today. We will have to wait and see if this selloff will stick today or if they will rally it back again before the day

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-11-2024


The market rallied overnight but turned down immediately at the regular session opening at 8:30 AM CST. This may end up being a range day, but don’t be surprised if prices attempt

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-10-2024


Just as expected, the CPI numbers came in higher than what the government was telling us to expect. Even worse, is they continually update previous announcements, and we always find out they

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-09-2024


Another steep drop in prices just as I am typing this report up this morning. It will be interesting to see if buyers will step in and drive it back up again,

Mack’s Mid-Morning ES Price Action Chart 04-08-2024


Prices appear to be range bound as I am typing up this report. There is a mild upward bias at the moment, but if this is truly a range day, that bias