When it comes to our price action trading strategies here at PATs, one of the questions I get more than any are about chart time frames. People want to know what time
The article is going to discuss how we use an EMA in our price action trading strategies. When using price action strategies, our objective is to follow prices as they print to
Occasionally I will get an email asking if a trader can use price action trading strategies to trade futures options. The answer is obviously yes, as you can definitely use price action
When it comes to learning to day trade any market, we think that the best technique is to learn to trade directly from your chart. Our desired trading strategy is to use
Learning to enter at Key Entry Points will do more to improve your day trading results than anything, and you can use price action trading strategies to find key entry points. When
Using trend lines to help you read the price action is one of the best tools we have in our arsenal. You hear me say it often, and that is to be
When it comes to price movements in any market, whether it be stocks, futures or Forex, the driving force is supply and demand. When demand outstrips supply, prices go up. When supply
It is important that you incorporate psychology into your price action trading strategies in order to achieve true trading success. There is an evolution that most traders follow in their path to
One of the most important rules we have here at PATs is to make sure that you trade only liquid markets. There is great dander in day trading thin (low volume) markets,
While we tend to be a bit prejudiced about our thoughts on price action trading, we still try and keep an open mind as to how others are using price action