You will probably notice that we have beefed up our website security a bit over the last few weeks. You will now need to answer a captcha at log in and also...
Today we are going to talk about the proper use of safety stops. One of my biggest obstacles to successful trading was, and still is, not using my safety stops in a...
Please see the important members only information below. I’m going to add a paragraph of simple filler here so that this is only viewable by paying members. Non members can actually see...
Today’s lesson is going to be a bit different. I’m going to also allow this one to be an ongoing lesson that lasts for a week or so or until everyone has...
This day trading lesson comes after many multiple requests. I have had this lesson on the “to do” list for a while, but after continued requests for a lesson on short term...
As I discussed in a recent YouTube video, the long road to day trading success is very real. Another trader sent me these 38 steps to becoming a successful commodity trader, and...
This lesson is going to talk about breakouts and why most breakouts fail. Occasionally you will indeed see a breakout take off and look like a great missed opportunity, but the majority...
Often I am asked about first entries or when is it OK to take one legged pull backs to the EMA or trend line. The answer to this is rather simple, although...
I get a lot of questions about this type of trap, and rightfully so, as it is a very powerful pattern. So powerful in fact that it alone could allow you to make...
I have received many requests to do another chart lesson on how I start my trading day in the ES, and to spend some additional time on the bar by bar analysis...