We had a small bug with the website after a recent update, so I was busy helping resolve that this morning, so that is why our mid-morning report is a bit late. There always seems to be some small issue after returning from vacation, so sorry for the lateness of this report.

Prices appear to be range bound this morning, which is not completely unexpected after a long holiday weekend along with the fact that school is now out now as well. I would expect more mixed trading as the day progresses, but we could see prices break out and trade in one direction or the other before the day ends, so be flexible and allow the price action to show you where it intends to go.

The daily chart has prices back in the small range, so we will have to see if that support level holds or if prices will push out in one direction or the other.

Mack’s 2000 Tick ES Chart for 05-28-2024.
Mack’s Daily Chart with the Envelope Bands/Strategy.

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