Drop The Indicator Crutch And Learn To...


If you are still struggling to become a profitable trader, it’s time to drop the indicator crutch and learn to day trade with price action.  Most new traders come to the trading

What Are The Best Times For Trading...


I get this question almost daily:  What are the best times for trading price action strategies.  The answer is a basic one, but with one caveat.  You see, price action works in

Day Trading Crude Oil With Price Action


Have you ever considered day trading crude oil with price action? If not, then you are missing out on one of the best trading techniques around, but more than that, you are

Learning To Trade Price Action Alone Is...


While price action trading strategies are very strong and one of the best trading systems available, learning to trade price action alone is not enough to succeed at day trading. Starting with

An In Depth Look At Price Action...


While this goes very in depth and is a bit more complicated than I like, I really like a lot of what this guy is describing when it comes to understanding what

Use Price Action To Improve Your Forex...


If you follow us here at price action trading system, then it should be no secret to you as to how we suggest you trade, and that’s with high probability price action

You Can Use Price Action To Trade...


As a trader that believes in trading price action only, I am often asked if you can use price action to trade gold and silver, and the answer is emphatically a yes!

Use Price Action To Trade News Events


If you are interested in news volatility, then we suggest you use price action to trade news events. When it comes to trading the news, my first choice is to be flat

Gaps And Their Correlation To Price Action...


Unless you are brand new to trading, you are probably aware of “gaps” and why gaps occur in the price action. However, it’s very likely that you don’t understand how gaps actually

Day Trading Introduction


I am often approached by new traders or simply people that are interested in learning to day trade, and they usually ask very similar type questions. Most of these questions are about