The bias is slightly down as I am typing this up, but prices could find support again and turn higher before this day is over. Prices have been somewhat sideways for the last two hours, but the overall bias is still slightly down. That could be changing, but it is a bit early to say for sure just yet.

Be prepared for mixed trading today no matter how things play out, as prices could trend in either direction and volatility could be high as well. Be patient and be picky. Let the price action show you what it wants to do.

This report is a bit late this morning. My dog Rebel was in a lot of pain last night and I could not take it any longer, so I took him to the vet first thing this morning. He is no longer in pain and has passed over to a better place now. He was my best friend and a great companion for over 15 years. He was a tough guy and did not want to give up easily.

It is so sad that he could live for 20 years, surviving a gunshot to the chest, and in less than a month, cancer ate him up. He never made a whimper until the last couple of days either. He hobbled outside all on his own and back for a month when he could hardly walk. He was tough as nails and never gave up! Thanks for the emails and encouragement. It really is like losing a family member, so I am dealing with that loss this morning.

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conshock February 7, 2023 at

Dogs are family. It’s never easy losing family. My heart goes out to you, Mack.


garrett February 7, 2023 at

Sounds like he was a great friend. ❤️


2ndMortgage February 7, 2023 at

Sorry to hear Mack 🙁


pmbraverman February 7, 2023 at

I’m so sorry Mack, when something like this happens there are no words to console.
Just the time and thank you for the time shared.


JW February 7, 2023 at

Praying for you Mack…not sure anything can love you more or be more faithful than a good dog.


Buddy February 7, 2023 at

As anyone who has had one can tell you, dogs are not like family – they are family. So sorry for your loss, Mack.


Knortzsch February 7, 2023 at

Sorry for your loss Mack. Dogs are best friends. Take your time


pjconnors February 7, 2023 at

Mack, our heart goes out to you. I foster older dogs and have adopted many of them over the years. We have to put many down in the last 5 years. It is sad. It never gets easy. Our pets, best buddies, are only here for a while. The love and loyalty you get from your dog is incredible. It will never go away. It sounds like Rebel was your guy. You are so kind, considerate and generous with everyone you meet. You deserve that love and loyalty. Sometime soon, another Rebel will present himself to you. That is how the universe works. God bless you and your family. Patrick.


    Raymond February 7, 2023 at

    Hi Mack, I echo this comment from pjconnors. Especially, “You are so kind, considerate and generous with everyone you meet. You deserve that love and loyalty. Sometime soon, another Rebel will present himself to you.”.

    Thank you for being a blessing to many.


Juxtaposed February 7, 2023 at

Losing a dog is painful. Sorry for your loss Mack.


aborelli February 7, 2023 at

Dogs are definitely family…So sorry to hear Mack.


chrispy February 7, 2023 at

So sorry for you loss Mack. I feel your pain in your post. You gave him a life he most likely would have never had if you hadn’t come along.


Raymond February 7, 2023 at

I’m so sorry for your loss, Mr. Mack. I do pray that the good Lord be on your side as you and your family process this untimely event.


RJ February 7, 2023 at

Praying for you brother.


JS44 February 7, 2023 at

Sorry for your loss!! Sending positive energy in your direction.


rondawes February 7, 2023 at

Sorry for your loss.. I know how much it hurts. Love and g


rondawes February 7, 2023 at

Sorry for your loss.. I know how much it hurts. Love and good thoughts to you. ❤️


drexl.spivey February 7, 2023 at

Mack, so sorry for your loss. My dogs are my family too, and I know the difficulty in these situations. Hoping brighter days are ahead for you. Great appreciation for everything you do.


Marcelo February 7, 2023 at

Sorry for your loss, Mack. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Wout Basson February 7, 2023 at

I am so sorry Mack, my heart goes out to you. Take care and all the best


Marlene815 February 7, 2023 at

So sorry to hear, Mack. Take your time grieving him.


Nwanigat February 7, 2023 at

I am very sorry to hear about your loss Mack.


danie February 7, 2023 at

They are a part of the family. Sorry for you loss Mack.


Mack February 7, 2023 at

Thanks for the kind words from everyone. I am grieving today and it’s a difficult day, but I do know he had a good life and I know he lived longer than most dogs too. Last night was a long night that I would not care to repeat. I at least know he is no longer suffering and that makes me happy, although it doesn’t make it any easier. I appreciate all the prayers and kind words, it does help!


Shayne February 7, 2023 at

It’s real tough, hang in there. Thoughts are wih you Mack.


grapeng February 7, 2023 at

Don’t worry about us. Take whatever time you need mourn your loss. I’m sorry you have to go thru this but it’s the requirement of having someone who you love.


grapeng February 7, 2023 at

Don’t worry about us. Take whatever time you need to mourn your loss. I’m sorry you have to go thru this but it’s the requirement of having someone who you love.


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