I continue to be in awe at the outpouring of love and sympathy in this time of loss for me and my family.  I just wanted to thank each of you for the emails, comments and encouragement in this difficult time for me.  I know that the prayers are working, because I can feel myself getting stronger each day.  While I will always miss my dad, I am starting to heal now and my plan is to be back on Monday Nov 3rd.

My birthday is coming up on Nov. 1st, so that is going to be a tricky day for me I am sure, but at this point, I feel like I will be ready to start trading again on Monday.  If something changes, I will be sure to let everyone know, but for now, I plan to be back to my normal schedule on Monday November 3rd.

I might have already said this, so if I did, I apologize.  However, I think it’s important that I share this with you!  If you have loved ones, tell them how much you love them and never take them for granted, because life can surprise us.  Enjoy your loved ones and tell them how you feel about them every time you see them, because tomorrow is never promised to any of us.

On behalf of myself and my family, we thank each of your for your kind words and your prayers.  They are greatly appreciated.


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prosperity October 30, 2014 at

I’m glad to hear you’re starting to feel better!
It will be good to have you back!
Happy early birthday!


Restless October 30, 2014 at

It’s great to hear you’re feeling a little better each day Mack. Take as long as you need and don’t rush things where you don’t have to. A very heart felt Happy Birthday goes out to you for Saturday!! I continue to keep you and your family in my daily prayers!


trs112556 October 30, 2014 at

I’m glad all the prayers have been heard and our awesome God is giving you and your family comfort and love so you all can begin your healing process. The loss of a loved one is never easy but with the Lord Almighty watching over us, he shall guide us through.

Happy Birthday on Saturday Mack and thank you for the update.


bblanco88 October 30, 2014 at

Thank you for everything Mack, and Happy Birthday!


Kerk October 30, 2014 at

Happy Birthday,
Good advise.


Jaydee42 October 30, 2014 at

Good hearing from you. Happy Birthday and God Bess.


Seev2014 October 30, 2014 at

My heart is broken for you and your family. As I’ve said in other comments you & your family are continually in my thoughts and prayers. Happy early birthday, I hope it is as good as it can be for you this year. Gods bless!


Bobby6k October 31, 2014 at

I took your words serious, on saturday I will do something I normally dont do: A trip with my parents!! Tomorrow you ll be in my thoughts. Ill drink a beer to toast you for your birthday.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. See you on monday.


lratcliffe October 31, 2014 at

Thanks for updating us, Mack, and for that very important reminder to cherish every minute we have with our loved ones. My husband was in a terrible accident 8 months ago, and I will never, ever forget that phone call, and that gap that seemed to last forever where I didn’t know whether he was alive or not. It has definitely made me more mindful and thankful every day. I’m glad you are feeling stronger, and hope you have a happy birthday!


fxtrade November 1, 2014 at


Happy Birthday! May Love and Light! be with you.

God Bless!


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