Facts About Tick Charts And How They...


When trading any market, particularly the ES, we prefer to use tick charts over time based charts.  For this reason, we want to share with you the facts about tick charts and

Limit Trading Mistakes With Price Action Trading...


You can actually limit trading mistakes with price action trading strategies if you are disciplined enough to follow the rules properly.  The reason this is possible is because if you are following

Use A Two Part Exit Strategy For...


In this article we are going to discuss how we use a two part exit strategy for better price action results.  While learning where and when to enter a trade is extremely

Is Price Action Trading The Same As...


We are often asked the question here at Price Action Trading System:  Is price action trading the same as chart pattern trading?  While we as price action traders are interested in seeing

What Makes A Successful Price Action Trader


I am often asked the question as to what makes a successful price action trader?  To be honest, the answer is not really any different than the same thing it takes to

Use Price Action To Find Trade Entries...


I talk a lot about being patient and waiting on the trades to come to you, but based on some of the feedback I get, I don’t think many traders are hearing

Why Discipline Is So Important In Price...


If you have read any of my previous articles here on the website, or even if you have listened to more than a few of my videos, then you have most certainly

Become A Better Price Action Day Trader...


If you really want to improve your day trading ability, you must learn to read a chart, which is what we refer to as price action trading.  What the average day trader

Using Price Action Helps You To Determine...


The market open is often one of the best times to make a trade because the open often offers some great moves due to the fact that the market is normally very

Price Action Offers A More Consistent Way...


I am often asked if trading with price action offers a more consistent way to determine trade entry locations, and the answer is an astounding yes!  Our number one rule in price