I wanted to put this up to clear the air on Micheal Chin, Riley Coleman and the Dayonetraders.com website. I continue to get questions as to their affiliation to PATs and our website. I am going to use this as an opportunity to clear the air.

Neither Dayonetraders.com, Michael Chin or Riley Coleman are affiliated with PATs in any way, other than the fact that they were recent students and members of our membership program. They are not acting on behalf of me, PATs or the priceactiontradingsystem.com website. They took our materials without authorization or approval, repackaged them and are now selling them with the claims that they are futures trading experts. In fact, they are selling our materials for four times the price we sell them for, while also offering their expert advice for life. I see they did remove the “expert” title or claim from their name and likeness on the Dayonetraders.com website, so at least they did figure out that was a bad idea.

I had my in house lawyer, who represents me for any of my legal needs, but who is not in practice as a copyright lawyer, send them a cease and desist order. However, they basically ignored that request, questioned its authenticity and dared me to sue them.

I have since spoken with an actual copyright lawyer and we are discussing how we will proceed form here. Honestly, I could care less about them selling anything or even using our materials in a “non-monetary” manner, but I am adamantly opposed to them stealing our materials and reselling them, all the while posing as trading experts. No one uses 2000 tick charts but PATs, and we introduced the use of those charts along with the term second entry and measured moves as well. Our measured move strategy is not taught anywhere else that I am aware of either, so for them to claim any of these as their ideas is a farce.

Most people do not even know what a tick chart is, and I would bet these two had never heard of them either until they recently took our course. Even if they knew about tick charts, what are the odds that they would choose a 2000 tick chart? About a million to one maybe, but obviously since they were students here, we know exactly where they got the idea for using a 2000 tick chart, second entries and the measured move strategy, along with all of the other ideas they are selling on their Dayonetraders.com website.

We introduced these terms to the public, along with their exact trading strategy many years ago, and you can go back and verify that by looking at some of our very early YouTube videos. You can also look at the copyright notices and dates in our manual if you have a copy of one. Nobody else was using those terms, along with many of the other terms they are using prior to us making them public with our materials over ten years ago. The scalp and run strategy is copied straight from the pages of our PATs manual. See our legal notice and the copyright dates below. The page below was pulled directly from our manual.

At this point, I am not sure what my next move will be legally, but for now, I wanted to clear the air and make people aware of why these guys materials look so much like our materials. Honestly, they have lofted me a softball with this. You can clearly see that they are taking our copyrighted materials, repackaging them and selling them as their own ideas and trading strategy. What they are doing is very much illegal and downright dirty plagiarism if nothing else.

You can come to your own conclusion as to whether or not these guys are futures trading experts. It is difficult to write that with a straight face really, but just in case there is any question or doubt, I am posting some screen shots from our website that show you proof of their buying our materials and being members of our website only a few weeks ago.

The real question is why were they members and why did they buy our materials? If they are experts, then they obviously did not need to learn our materials, so why were both of them members of our private membership area logging in often up until just a few weeks ago? Were they here to learn about price action and futures trading, or were they here to steal our materials? If they were here to learn, then they obviously are not experts. I will let you form your own opinions and conclusions, as I am only sharing what I know to be true facts about these two.

I have posted some proof of my claims below so that you can see I am giving you actual facts. I removed most of their email address and their IP addresses for privacy reasons. Not that they deserve privacy, but I try to treat others as I would want them to treat me. It just seems like the right thing to do. so I didn’t reveal some of the personal information about them like email and IP addresses.

The first item below is proof of purchase of our Price Action Manual by both of them. I am not sure what their relationship is to one another, or if they even knew each other previously, but they are obviously in on their scheme together now. They obviously both saw the copyright notices and resale and private use notices, but they still chose to ignore them.

Michael Chin’s purchase of our Materials.
Riley Coleman’s purchase of our Materials.

Now, notice where both were members of our private membership area. Riley was smart enough not to add his photo, but you can see Michael’s picture, so no doubt or confusion as to who these two really are here.

Chin’s Membership, notice his picture he added to his profile.
Riley Coleman’s Membership. He was smart enough not to add his picture.

I added a close up here for a better view, as the thumbnail was not easy to see due to it’s small size. There is No doubting that this is the same Michael Chin that claims to be a futures trading expert over at Dayonetraders.com.

Close up of Chin’s profile picture.

Notice how often Michael Chin was logging into the PATs website and notice the dates as well, so you can see that it was only a few weeks ago that he was a regular user of our materials.

Notice all of chin’s logins to our website and the dates.

I will not bore you by posting a lot of their emails, but I wanted to add one here from Mr. Coleman just to show you he was still looking to me for guidance in late January of this year. Basically up until a few weeks ago both were still very active here with the PATs materials. Riley was studying our materials month’s prior to Michael, although Michael seems to be spearheading their website.

Coleman asking for help. Notice the recent dates.

I really would have liked to have avoided doing this, and I also wanted to avoid taking legal actions. I attempted to do this in an amicable manner first. I asked them nicely by personal email, then asked them nicely by sending a cease and desist request through my lawyer, both of which they chose to ignore.

I do not care about them trying to make a living or even selling things on the Internet. What I care about is them stealing and selling our materials and then charging other unsuspecting customers four times the price. I care about them passing themselves off as futures experts when they are nothing of the sort. Maybe they have become profitable traders, as that is very possible, but they have not traded long enough to be futures experts. You will not see many true futures experts in their age bracket because it takes many years to really become an expert at this. I am still trying to achieve that title myself, and I have been at this for more than 20 years now. It is guys like Michael and Riley that give all the legitimate traders and teachers bad names. It is people like them that give this business a black eye. The two things these guys are good at is theft/plagiarism and Internet Marketing, so I will bestow them with those titles. Anything past that and you can draw your own conclusions.

I hope this now answers all of the questions and emails I am receiving as to who these guy are and if I know about them or if I am affiliated with them. The answer is that I do know about them, but they are absolutely not authorized to teach or sell our materials. At some point, there will be a reckoning for these two, as there will be legal consequences for what they are doing. They had a chance to do the right thing, but I guess charging unsuspecting people almost $400 for someone else’s proprietary materials is just too enticing.

Obviously they realize they have made mistakes, because they have changed the wording on their website over the last few days. I have snap shots of all of their original website pages, so they did not act fast enough to hide it from my lawyers. Ultimately, I want them to cease and desist completely with the selling of our PATs materials. If they want to create a new trading strategy of their own, they can have it, but they will not get away with selling our materials and proprietary information.

Thanks to those of you that pointed this out to me in the beginning, as there are still some honest and honorable people in this world that saw this for what it was and notified me. For anyone else that is searching for information on Dayonetraders.com, I hope this helps you to make an educated and informed decision on whether or not to purchase the PATs materials and our price action trading strategy from those two actors, while also paying four times the cost we sell it for here at priceactiontradingsystem.com.

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Ron Wilkins March 25, 2020 at

What a shame! As soon as I saw one of Chin’s videos, I knew where the techniques really came from. So obvious! I doubt any of them can actually trade or they wouldn’t be setting up these scams. Mack, try not to let it discourage you. You have been a blessing to many people!


charles bratton March 25, 2020 at

These guys should be nailed to the cross. Two bit crooks is what they are.
Mack I wish you the best of luck dealing with these thieves.


Rishi S March 25, 2020 at

I care across a few of Michaels live trading videos and I was like “holy sh*# this is PATs but live trading!” I just thought he was one of the members just showing his live trades (which is awesome I love watching it in action, wish you (Mack) would do them! that would be better to watch!).

A couple days later I was watching PATs youtube chart review and you were talking about him and explained what was going on. Hopefully they go away before they take too many people’s money. Don’t let them discourage you. There are so many people who have benefitted from your teachings. God bless.


dave March 25, 2020 at

These guys should be sued to the fullest extent. They come across as nice guys but they are totally unethical and scammers. Wonder why they are doing this? Everyone on the internet will know about them.

I’ve been watching your youtube videos a long time and you have helped me greatly. Thanks Mack.


Cathena March 26, 2020 at

You have our full support Mack in any way you need. I have been following you for years now and so sincerely appreciate everything you have done for us. You have charged hardly anything while so generously offering us the keys to the kingdom, so to speak. The conduct of these guys is unconscionable.

I would like to suggest that perhaps you could allow us to contribute to a fund that could be used to cover the legal costs associated with stopping these thieves. So many of us have benefited tremendously from your expertise and commitment to us, and you never asked or took anything from us… would appreciate the opportunity to give something back and support the effort to stop such conduct.


    Marty May 10, 2020 at

    I’d contribute to that fund


imca55 March 26, 2020 at

I can understand how outraged you must be Mack and rightfully so. Please remember that there are many people out here who really appreciate what you sacrifice to teach us your methods on a daily basis.Try not to let a couple of evildoers discourage you from your great work.God will continue to bless you and in the end will deal with these two.

Thank you for all that you do Mack.


Fernie Curiel March 26, 2020 at

WOW!. So glad I didn’t order their course. I’m new to the day trading and wanted to learn from a reliable expert. Still a baby at this but after doing some research, I’ve decided on moving forward with Pats program.


bpaharris March 26, 2020 at

Thanks for all you do Mack. This just further points to the fact that YOU know what you are doing, Cant blame them for trying to copy you, you are genuine and the real deal. Appreciate all your videos that you take time to produce everyday, I know that is a huge commitment on your part but so helpful to so many of us. Thanks for your work and expertise!


Waldean Wall March 29, 2020 at

Please explain the trade-off between going for more points with one contract or going for fewer points with two contracts. Is it more likely – all things considered – to gain $75 dollars with one contract (and less loss risk) or $100 with two contracts (and more loss risk)? Thank you!


    Mack March 31, 2020 at

    It is easier to get one point than two, three or even more points, so if you want to make more money without adding a lot more risk, you add contracts. It would be much easier to make 100 points trading 100 contracts and scalping one point, than to trade one contract and try and gain 100 points. You may never get the chance to make 100 points in a day in most cases, so it’s almost impossible to do.


Patrick DeLorenzo March 31, 2020 at

Hello, I am not able to find the registration package for $100 You referenced. What should i look for or point me to it. Thank you, Pat D


    Mack April 1, 2020 at

    Patrick, I am not sure what registration package you are referring to? Please email me if you have not found what you are looking for and I can try and point you in the right direction. If you go to our home page, you can find a link at the top left for the manuals and a link over on the top right under “members area’ for joining the premium members section.


Jason April 3, 2020 at

Thanks for posting this! I was so close to purchasing their material, I am glad I came across your comment on their video.


Doug M April 4, 2020 at

Hey man, i actually found your youtube channel after being referred to it by somebody who had commented on one of Michael’s videos. Your videos are awesome, i plan on watching as many as i can and i also plan on purchasing your e-book soon. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with these two doing that to you, but just wanted to let you know you gained at least one customer from their actions and I appreciate everything I’ve seen from you so far. Take care my friend.


    Doug Erickson April 13, 2020 at

    Same here
    I found your channel by joining their FB group and saw someone post they stole your material and found you that way. 🙂


      Antony V April 19, 2020 at

      Also same. I had no idea that I was even searching for PATS when I started my journey, but at least their plagiarism is funneling more curious minds to your website, or at least the sort of people who are careful to double check things before spending money. I for one am glad that I was able to find you, by whatever route necessary! However, I’m saddened that you have to make extra efforts now with litigation etc. it’s not good to have that stress weighing anybody down. Please don’t let it put you off keeping up this amazing work.


      John January 28, 2021 at

      Most people here including me would never have heard about Pat’s material if it wasn’t for Michael Chins videos. I am glad to see that others do there do diligence before buying. I googled Michael Chin scam and I found the info. Not that I think he is a scam but that’s just what I do to find info. I have no idea how Pats info looks yet, Maybe Chin is teaching a better course, I don’t know but if they actually are just teaching the info they learned than that is not copy right infringement. If they actually distribute Pats info than that’s different. Hopefully all this can be worked out between the guys and Pat. Truthfully, it’s easy for people to say “sue them” that cost a lot of money and time. In the end there are no winners except the government and lawyers. I am buying this material, I hope it teaches something the average people can pick up fast.


Jeremy April 5, 2020 at

Wow was just considering subscribing to their training as the videos are I have to admit well done – glad I didn’t!! Just bought the Price Action Trader Manual instead and very glad I did. Going through it I definitely see the similarities to their YouTube videos, however the manual is better of course 😉

Great product you have here Mack.


Brian R. April 7, 2020 at

As Doug M. Said above, (If it makes you feel any better), I often get more information from the comment section of youtube videos than the videos themselves, and there were several comments that mentioned you, which was what led me here and the decision to purchase your materials.


Joe D. April 9, 2020 at

I’m so glad that I came across priceactiontradingsystem.com. I’ve watched Michael Chin’s YouTube videos and almost bought the online courses ($400). Phew! I’m looking forward to learning your trading materials.


Nora L. April 10, 2020 at

I almost bought their online course but I wanted to wait for more reviews first due to the high price tag then I kept seeing people mention your name in their free FB group and finally a guy told the truth (of course his post was deleted by Michael and Riley). I am so glad I didn’t buy their course! I mean, if they were really futures experts, I wouldn’t mind paying more but clearly they are not and they are stealing. I don’t want to learn from such people! What a shame – they really come across as good people but you really can’t judge a book from its cover. Mack – I have just purchased your manual and I can’t wait to start learning. Thanks for keeping it affordable and posting daily videos. You have my full support!


Finx April 12, 2020 at

I was abt to buy their courses both of them, but as always I do some research before execution, and I came across this page. It’s frustrating, I’m very disappointed. Shameful.


Chris April 16, 2020 at

I’m glad you posted this! I also found Riley and Michael’s youtube channels and was close to purchasing their “expert” course. But I searched up “dayonetraders.com review” to see what others had to say about it and found this page. These dirtbags will get theirs. I will be purchasing from you now. Thanks!


    Mack April 16, 2020 at

    Thanks for your support!


      Mitch May 10, 2020 at

      Hi Mack , I am glad I came across this review. I am a beginner and still learning about trading and futures. I watched few of the videos of Michael and Riley . And they advertised their site , when I checked it out I thought $400 was bit too much so I did search for a review of their site. I am glad I got to read your reviews and I agree you should definitely sue them. And I will looking through your website Pats and may even purchase it.


Bijan April 20, 2020 at

Really glad I found this review. Their marketing and videos are good enough to make you almost want to purchase it immediately. But glad I had the thought to see what the forums thought of their work Who knew they would be con artists! Looks like Michael Chin stopped posting videos as of 3 weeks ago. Will be buying your material shortly, thanks man.


KN April 28, 2020 at

Im glad that I found out about this. I’m very beginner and I was looking for something in the internet and I found them and almost bought their service, this is terrible… But Finally I found PATs and I’m def with you. I love your videos and I’m glad that I switched over. I’m getting your manual and it is for my personal use!
All the Best


William Pleis May 4, 2020 at

I bought their course and studied it for a few days. at the end of their lessons there is a place to ask questions about what you just learned and general discussions about the course. someone said that dayonetraders are using pats trading methods and it started a whole lotta discussion. I e-mailed Michael that i really didnt think this was for me as i only trade forex and i only had the course for a few days and didnt even finish it. he did give me my $397 back the next day. they do come across as nice guys but i do not tolerate dishonesty and when i saw pats youtube vids I knew that was the exact method they are using. i e-mailed pat as to what manual i should buy to trade forex and he said the price action manual and I bought it about a week ago and now im a course member. thx Mack


Shaun Abernethy May 5, 2020 at

I was just about to buy their course….I have literally put the credit card details into the form and was about to submit, then a thought crossed my mind to search for reviews again….and I found your website!
I will be purchasing from you very soon…thank you.


Ben May 9, 2020 at

Plagerism is the finest form of flattery 🙂

In all seriousness, I watched a few of their videos, joined their Facebook group etc. It was only recently someone pointed me to this website I discovered the truth! Whilst they may be making some money, may have a “good” yuotube setup etc – you can just pinch someones work and ideas and sell it as your own.

Mack – I’ll be purchasing your course – from its rightful home!


    Mack May 9, 2020 at

    Thanks, appreciate the support.


Sammy McCaffrey May 10, 2020 at

Mr. Mack. So two very inexperienced newbie traders, pretty good at marketing, took your materials and ideas and successfully marketed it on YouTube? If I were you I would hire them as your top assistants. Bring them into your organization and see what happens.


    Mack May 10, 2020 at

    I have a much better plan than that for them coming up soon. Thanks for the tip though.


Maryy May 10, 2020 at

It’s because of these two guys that I chose to buy from you. I was interested in where they learned from because the strategy seemed legit to me, so I wanted to find the source; in my mind you were the master and they the students… why would I want to learn from the students? I’d be pissed if I were you too… this is highly unethical of them, but I’m glad I found you through them!!! Remember… In all things he works together for the good of those that love him!


Mitch May 10, 2020 at

Reading through all the comments it seems like it may end up benefitting you Mack as most people will end up buying your products instead of theirs. And most of us including me never even heard of you until now. So, that’s not bad.


Jake Hulett May 11, 2020 at

These two guys are both local to my area, Seattle, Wa. I had started watching there videos with some hope that a young guy can study up and do the same things there doing (Mostly Michael). Was considering buying their course, but reditt led me here and now I am going to come straight to you guys with my business.

They have been offline youtube for a bout a month without any videos, not sure if they are dealing with this situation or have been taking a break due to the changing market conditions…


    Saif May 12, 2020 at

    No, its not the market. I bet it’s the lawsuit. Their website is still up though.


Saif May 12, 2020 at

Hi Mack, I am interested in buying your manuals and other stuff you put up in your website. As a beginner I am not sure what would be best. I have couple of questions before I buy.


Leroy May 19, 2020 at

Mack, I recently came across their YouTube channel, and was immediately impressed with the system they were using. However, I was a bit suspicious of them just based on their age, and reading the comments left by other viewers revealed where they got it from and led me to your channel. While it is wrong for them to steal your intellectual property and post it as their own, at least the silver lining is that it appears to be drawing people to your site who otherwise may not have heard of it. I believe the truth will continue to come out, and they will be exposed as the scammers that they are, as the online trading world appears to be a small one. I will be buying the manual from you!


Mr. Chin and Mr. Eyebrows are a scam May 21, 2020 at

Just clicked on Chin’s video on youtube and it took me less than a minute to find out he’s a scam. As if his and riley’s demeanor isn’t a dead giveaway. It’s sad, pathetic, and stealing intellectual property is straight up illegal . I hope they get what they deserve.


Saif May 27, 2020 at

Hey Mack , bought your Manuel couple weeks ago. Read it once, reading it second time. So far so good . Also thinking about signing up for your premium membership. Does it have videos that explain better. Anyway, I will have some questions soon. Thanks again! Oh, what’s going on with dayonetrader.com. Did you sue them yet? You should ! The website still up and I feel like they pretend to be experts but they are not.


    Mack May 28, 2020 at

    The premium members section does have additional video lessons that compliment what is taught in the Price Action Manual. I am aware of those guys and they probably will be around for a while yet. You have real day traders and then you have real Internet Marketers. I will let you decide for yourself which category they fall under.


chess May 30, 2020 at

People only care about outcome of making money rather than are they called experts a not. If the followers of michael chin are making money from his sharing, who cares about how michael chin ‘s mentor is. people only looks at 1. whether they can connect to michael chin ‘s teachings and 2. whether they are profitable listening to him a not


    Saif May 31, 2020 at

    But stealing someone else’s content and posting it as your own to make profit is wrong!


    Mack June 3, 2020 at

    Chess, I do not disagree with this fact, but it should bother people that Michael Chin stole copyrighted materials and passed them off as his own. That is proprietary theft and shows his true character. His materials are not his trading ideas or strategies. He took what he is teaching directly from our copyrighted manual. If people prefer to learn from someone that steals and plagiarizes others work and then charges three times the cost for it, then that is their right I guess.


dan June 9, 2020 at

Is it straight up copy of the material? or did they add stuff to it? bc honestly there are so many people that learn from their teacher and then go and become teachers themselves… I do not see a problem with that, also their youtube videos seem to be better marketed and also their website seems to be more clean than this website…

However if its a straight up copy and plegarism then make sure you take screenshots of that and sue them… but if its not… what do you expect mack? you are selling shit online, it was bound to happen.. the only way you can kill them is to out comepete them.


inboil June 14, 2020 at

I hope you sue their plagiarizing arses off. They need to compensate you for breach of contract, and you should also get every dime of membership fees they absconded with.


Sebastien June 19, 2020 at

So glad I googled dayonetraders review and found this.

Good luck in your lawsuit, I hope you get repaid for all the stolen business.

I was considering buying their product, hopefully you can use their marketing to bring you more business from SEO of people googling them.

Have a great day


    Chad June 29, 2020 at

    What this poster and all previous similar posts have said. This is me too. Just looking into futures trading.

    Good luck Mack


Ezabella June 22, 2020 at

Mack if you’ve already had your eye surgery then we wish you a speedy recovery. If not then we wish you all the best as you prepare for it.


Happy June 24, 2020 at

I’m glad that I googled “dayonetrader reviews”…saved me some money…


    Cindy July 6, 2020 at

    Checkout “byebyemoney” another price action disciple who recently appeared on YouTube with a big flashy bang. He’s more honest and genuine.


      Roy March 6, 2021 at

      The panda chap wasn’t as despicable as Smiley n Eyebrow n he did ever mention PATs videos/info was gold. That was the early part but thereafter the only constant mention was “Al Brooks” n that he only followed “The Father of 2-legged pullbacks” (Al Brooks). As far as I read bout this author he seemed to utilize 5 min for scalping while for Panda? Well he was on 2000 tick chart. Currently making cash loads scalping 10 contracts using his proprietary ABCD 2LPB indicator which he marketed for USD 149 or so…n getting more cocky along the way.


Samuel June 29, 2020 at

Hey guys! I am a relatively new trader who loves Jesus, and this truly grieved my heart. I was interested in price action trading after seeing some of Michael’s videos, and could see the value of the information he was providing, so I was contemplating registering for their scalping course. I had not heard of PATs until after searching these guys up, and finding this review! How upsetting. To find the sincerity in the heart of this review however, greatly encouraged my spirit, because of the character you have shown in your actions, Mack. I look forward to hopefully learning from you and the members of this platform!

I encourage you all to pray for these two, that God may show them mercy and grant them repentance, be it before or after worldly justice is served. Thank you all for your hearts


Dave August 4, 2020 at

On a bright note, I would not be here if I didn’t come across Michael’s and Riley’s youtube first.


Cory August 11, 2020 at

As a noob, and highly interested in Price Action after watching some of their videos, I was considering their course. But after coming across this, I’ll be purchasing the PAT course. Was wondering why the YouTube videos dropped off the map in March!! Looking forward to linking up with a true expert!


Nastyworks August 16, 2020 at

After you are done suing them Mack, please hire a pro to market your business. You have good material and id love to see it on Amazon!


Michael August 16, 2020 at

I’ve seen Michael and Riley’s youtube videos and quickly became very intrigued. When I found out that they offered a course, I was very excited. And to be honest, I almost purchased their course. But I decided to do some review searching before spending $400, and this is the first thing I read.
I am beyond disappointed but glad that I found the true creators of the content that caught my attention.


gunslinger1 August 29, 2020 at

Hi all
I for one Have to thank them (Michael and Riley) for finding Mack’s price action trading.
I watch all there video and like how they traded. so I googled Price action trading and found Mack’s.
I bought Mack’s manuals.
the reason I did was simple if you look at there videos list on there youtube channel they do it all. Mack does on thing and one thing only (YES I like to do stock options but I do very little if any any more) my focus is the S&P.
My father told me if you do more then one thing. you well be a master of nothing. I had to decide between football or base ball which I wanted to master.
Mack looks like a master to ME
and that’s I want to be.


Aro October 5, 2020 at

If only you could take down Joseph James as well then – he is selling your exact material for 5k. He traded some renko chart first but then switched to exact same as PAT and also did the switches from Volume to Tick exact same as PAT…


Marlon October 15, 2020 at

Hi Mack,

I found Michael and Riley’s channels, being swindled before has taught me to read the reviews first.

A google search lead me to your website. I am glad it did. I will be purchasing your course shortly.


Phil November 4, 2020 at

I was looking for a course on day trading and discovered Michael Chin and Riley Coleman on youtube. Further research showed that they had copied your course and led me to your site. Have now purchased a bundle of all your manuals.

Am sure plenty of newcomers will be finding you thanks to those the two…..


    Mack November 5, 2020 at

    Glad you found us Phil. Welcome and good luck with your studies and trades.


Suzano November 22, 2020 at

Mack is byebyemoney Michael Chin or Riley Coleman?


    Mack November 22, 2020 at

    Their site is Day One Traders, so I do not think this is them unless they opened up something new?


    Christy January 3, 2021 at

    He’s worse than them. A two legged scammer


jen November 29, 2020 at

I like Michael Chin’s videos, but he seemed too young to be doing this–with no explanation of his background, and I certainly wasn’t going to pay for his trading package. A quick google led me here. So yeah I think you will be getting more subscribers that way.


anthony gatto December 4, 2020 at

Hey lol… i tried to send them emails and ask for a monthly statement of their trades and or a week of a live trade room so i can see them actually trade…. no one sacks 14 videos of trades without a loss… crickets…. and then im here. Will talk soon


chris December 6, 2020 at

Thanks for posting this, I almost paid for a subscription With Chin, thank god i did some research first.


GINTARAS VENCKUS December 7, 2020 at

OMG ! And I almost bought a course from them!
Thank god, after being screwed with all types of Guru scammers, now first what I do is investigate a lot before paying for anything.

I’ll check your courses and see what can I buy from you.
Seems to be a legitimate site.

However, I do believe, you should sue them for good!

All the best!


Francesca December 29, 2020 at

Stopping YouTubers from regurgitating your ideas and profiting from your materials is like playing whack-a-mole.


John January 28, 2021 at

Pat’s trading, people mention you on YouTube, what is your Channel name on YouTube? Thanks John


    Mack January 28, 2021 at

    Our YouTube channel is PATS Trading Channel. There is a link on our website, but link is below.

    PATs Trading Channel


Tim February 10, 2021 at

Disclaimer: I found you because of them. Found it odd that they both stopped posting at around the same time and was curious as to why. My digging led me to you, I’ll be watching your videos from now on. Thanks for super detailed info on the incident, sorry this happened to you though.


June February 28, 2021 at

wow wow wow. I took their course and half year later I bought Mack’s manual. Yes, my trading result immediately improved after I read Mack’s manual. I was in their chat group and I got impressions that they did not have much experiences with this strategies. Their trading styles were changing to something very different from what they taught in their course. Thing is, they did not how to trade in ranges. That’s why I searched and found Mack’s Youtube and I did not notice they copied Mack’s strategies. ( second entry-concept was new to me anyway.) I am actually very sad right now since I believed both guys were good people.


Jim March 3, 2021 at

I stumbled on your site trying to find Tiley Coleman. I very interested in the scrapping strategy. If yiu telling me you have the material they were offering then I’m interested in talking with you. Are you still offering that 10.00 a month thing?


    Mack March 3, 2021 at

    They took their ideas and materials from our website. They are not experienced traders, so yes, the materials they offer they took directly from me.


David Tipsy March 17, 2021 at

Just like most things in life. The branding and vibe sets out one product from the next. I actually prefer how Michael has packaged and delivered the strategy. Its more aspirational and suited for gen z. It’s overall user experience and iteration of the course is more pleasing, current and relatable. However out respect for the apparent founders of the strategy, I’ll also be purchasing a copy of PATs ebook.
There’s enough love and knowledge to go around in this world.


    Mack March 17, 2021 at

    Thanks for your support and for coming to the source first and foremost David. I would like to state the following though. I am a trader first, not an internet marketer. Trading is my forte, so when you come to me, you learn from someone that knows trading. I’m not trying to “entice” people in with slick marketing and lies, so that is the first important distinction I wanted to make.

    Even more importantly, those guys are slick internet marketers, and while they may entice you in and make you and the gen z crowd “feel good” about their stuff, they know nothing about trading. They are dishonest for stealing others work, so you are starting out with them on nothing but a lie, as they are passing themselves off as traders and teaching something they really don’t have any true experience with, because they stole it from someone else. They haven’t been at this long enough to have the actual experience it takes. So in the end, do you want dishonesty and lack of knowledge for double the price because it feels good and is pleasing, or do you want to learn how to trade and make money?

    If this is a hobby and the presentation is more important than success, then they are probably the choice to go with. If you truly want to learn how to trade and make a living at this, then why not come to the source where you can buy from the guy that knows the product and developed it and will sell it to you cheaper as well?

    Again, I appreciate your support if you bought anything from us, and I appreciate your honesty as well, but if you sit down and really mull over what I just explained, I think you will realize that their “more pleasing and better experience” is all based on lies and misrepresentations in order to sell you something.


      Nancy March 23, 2021 at

      An example of a a very slick marketeer peddling your price action ideas on YouTube is the guy behind the panda face mask called “byebyemoney”


Natali Filiposki June 5, 2021 at

Mack, Sir, I think Michael Chin and Riley Coleman have been punished enough for their transgression. Forgive them and put this thread regarding their mistakes against you into oblivion. Hopefully you have taught them a valuable lesson in life. Hopefully they have learned from this and will do better next time. Price action trading, in general, on YouTube needs other voices like Coleman and Chin. Thank you. I hope you understand.


    Mack June 6, 2021 at

    Hi Natali, this is not about “teaching someone a lesson.” This is about the theft of intellectual property and copyrights.


    Michael B September 10, 2021 at

    No Natali, they are still selling materials that is not theirs, that is fraud, and it is illegal.

    Everyone needs to take action against them, even by posting the truth on their website.

    If they were to stop doing what is illegal and unethical, pay for damages, and ask the. forgiveness, then forgiveness would be deserved.

    They need to be stopped, not allowed to get by with scamming the public, obviously you included.


Brant Hughes June 27, 2021 at

I actually found Chin before you Mack — and I had thought was this guy is a n excellent trader watching his trade videos — he was winning virtually every single trade. I very very NEARLY signed up for their courses… and then luckily found you and your free content and much cheaper book.

And yes, it’s clear they are students of yours based on how they trade. And it’s clear you were doing this long before them based on your youtube channel videos.


    Mack June 28, 2021 at

    Thanks for the support Brant and glad you found us.


Michael Brown September 10, 2021 at

Thank you for addressing their unethical behavior, what Riley and Michael are doing is wrong, claiming and selling the program as their own.

I’m a Product Design Engineer, and I’m currently without an income, so I am looking for ways to economically earn an income by trading with a very small account.

I enjoyed learning about the trading strategy, and am glad for what you have developed, and I plan to order your materials when I can afford to do so.

Doing what is right is never easy, but it’s essential that we always strive to maintain integrity.

They will receive a harvest of their unethical and illegal practices, multiplied, and at a later time than when they violated your ethics, and thus violated their own at the same time.

They will receive due judgment, whether you sue them or not, but it is your legal right to protect your IP (intellectual property).

Perhaps they may be required by law to financially turn over 100% of the proceeds of their sales, should you pursue legal action, as that would be the correct ruling that a court should award to you and your company.

I’m believing the best for you, your business, and your family.

Have a great day.

Best regards,

Michael B


Mehdi December 30, 2021 at

Hi dear Mac,
It is my first visit to your website. have heard a lot about Mac PA.
after seeing these data and details of someone else, I really feel shame about you. It is so weird. Can’t believe see you shared your student’s detail of enrollment or so on even if that student is Michael Chin. It looks like pure immature. It is not fair and professional. I am so sorry to see such behavior from your side.
pretty sure you will not post this reply,


David Hunt February 14, 2022 at

Hi Pat
I am interested in learning from you and not the people who are stealing your material. So far I am not having any success therefore, need your help. This just brings more credibility to you so I am looking forward in taking your course and staying away from these scammers.


FindOutMore April 15, 2022 at

As you know (from our emails when I first purchased the manual), I found you when I was researching these individuals and their course. I chose to purchase your stuff instead of theirs since I figured it was better to learn from the creator of the materials than to learn from somebody (like me) that simply purchased them and regurgitated what they learned. You get what you pay for and I decided to pay for the years of experience.

Everybody has to make their own choices in life, of course, but I’m very happy with the choice I made. I first learned about trading the e-mini futures 5 years ago and have made more progress since I purchased the manual and joined the premium membership six months ago than I had up to that point. I’ve even made some real money for a change by using the concepts Mack teaches (to be honest, I only take the really good setups with my live account; the rest is still demo). Would I have made as much progress learning from two guys who apparently don’t have the years of experience that Mack does? If you ask me, “no”.

I do have to work on this stuff (which was a bit of a surprise – everybody else wants to make it sound simple – but it’s a surprise I readily embraced, as does anybody who wants to master price action trading). The further I dig into the materials, the more work you make me do! But I’m good with that, and again, I’m glad you’re honest enough to say that lots of work is required – and to say exactly what needs to be done.

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to write this article. I suspect it’s going to be responsible for my family’s future prosperity. And a printout of Deuteronomy 8:18 is now on the wall of my office!


Don Schendt April 24, 2022 at

Just want to let you know people are continuing to find you through Michael Chin which includes me. I just found you today after questioning some things about Chin. My search let me to you through him. I have already purchased your manual and have read nearly half of it with great interest. I am so happy to have found you and looking forward to learning your system.


    Mack April 25, 2022 at

    Thanks for the note. We are happy to have you here. Good luck with the studies and good trades.


beanie May 5, 2022 at

i guess they never made it to day two traders. i’ll be a member here very soon..


Bernadette May 14, 2022 at

perhaps the “cease & desist” worked? the site is temporarily gone…..


Aaron Rodgers June 19, 2022 at

Mack, are you the guy behind the Byebyemoney character on YouTube? Or is it Chin and Eyebrow hiding behind the panda mask 🐼


    Mack June 21, 2022 at

    Not me. Maybe Chin!


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