I am excited to announce that a new support forum is coming later today. Only premium members will be allowed to view and participate in this new forum. If you currently have a paid monthly or annual membership, you will have immediate access to this forum once I open it up.

I’m not sure of the exact time I will have the PATs support forum opened up, but I plan to do this at some point today or early tomorrow. You will find the link to the forum in the members category menu, which is found on the right hand side of the page for most of you. If you are viewing through a phone or smaller tablet, the menus will often be at the bottom of the page, rather than on the right hand side due to the lack of screen size.

Forum Link is In Membership Menu.

The idea behind the new PATs support forum is to provide members a place to converse and ask questions and get basic support. Sometime soon after opening up the forum, I will no longer accept trading questions via email any longer. You will be required to ask all questions in the forum, where both myself and other members can help answer them. This will provide me some relief while giving everyone the opportunity to also learn from other member’s questions as well. Even better, some of the more seasoned members can actually contribute to the answers and discussions.

I have wanted to do this for a long time and I think it will be a great addition to our website. I would be less than truthful though if I said I did not have some concerns and reservations, as these places can often have a negative affect on traders due to bad information and negative attitudes. I will have a set of forum rules posted that everyone will be expected to follow. Those that choose not to follow the rules can and will be banned form the forum. I believe having that option will help ensure that people stay on track and do not cause problems. I will also reserve for myself the option of closing the forum down with little or no warning should it prove to have any detrimental or negative influence on myself or our members at any time.

One thing I have always prided myself in was the fact that I tried to support everyone that came to me, even if they never purchased a thing from me at all. I do this because I enjoy it and I like helping others, so it was never about money. However, due to the growth of the website and the number of users and members we now have, I can no longer do that. It has just become far too much for me to handle by email any longer. I am receiving 100+ emails per day related solely to trading questions or chart questions, so it has just become overwhelming for me at this point.

For those of you that are not paying members, I am sure this will not be nearly as exciting, but as I stated previously, this is a necessary step in order to keep the support manageable for all. I may come up with some alternative membership options that include access to the PATs support forum only, but for now, you will need to be a premium member to have access. All current premium members will have access at no additional charge, and anyone else that wants access will need to join. I truly believe that everyone should be using the membership area already due to the video lessons that are available there, so it feels like a natural progression to add the forum to this option. If you aren’t a premium member already, you will gain much more than access to the support forum by joining.

In closing, I hope that the new PATS support forum is a beneficial tool for our members and that everyone finds it useful. I know there will be further requests and suggestions once people start using it, so I will also create a section where you can make those comments. Just understand that I may not always have the time or desire to add everything people request, so if I do not follow up on some of your great ideas, do not take it personal.

Thanks for everyone’s support and patience as I work to bring this to fruition. Hopefully there will not be any bugs or snafu’s, but if so, please be patient as I work through them. I appreciate each of you and my hope is that all of you find benefit and value in what I try to bring to the trading community.

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Bernardo September 10, 2020 at

This is a great idea. I know I do not email much, but being able to see others questions and the answers will be very helpful!

Thanks for all your hard work!


profitseeker7 September 10, 2020 at

This is a welcomed announcement! Looking forward to it. Thanks Mack!


Foxthorn September 10, 2020 at

This is excellent! I think many will greatly benefit from seeing other’s questions and your response to them.


KC September 10, 2020 at

Growing pains are always tough, a good option !! Like the idea.
futures io forums are very informative and helpful, so I expect this too will be helpful.


mrebbot September 10, 2020 at

Fully agree with previous posts, this is a great change / addition!


berlin September 10, 2020 at

thats great news Mack!!


Chris Parker September 10, 2020 at

This sounds great. Can a member post charts to reference in a question?


    Mack September 13, 2020 at

    Yes, you will be able to post charts.


STrades September 10, 2020 at

This is a great news Mack! Now you’ll have more time for you to focus on helping and growing students who truly wants to learn from you, and people who are serious about their trading will join. I’m not a member yet, but I will join in very soon!


santosha September 10, 2020 at

This is awesome, Mack, and much better than email. Thanks for setting this up!


santosha September 10, 2020 at

You already offer so much for free–it makes total sense to make the forum a part of premium membership


dvcpro4 September 10, 2020 at

You have laid it out in perfect form Ken.
Hopefully everyone posting will be professional in their wording. Of course, some of the newbies will ask questions
that us “professionals” will think my be stupid or off center, but then I remember I was a newbie once many years
You are providing a helpful and useful forum. May God bless you and your family for providing this service. I personally thank
you for providing a new lease on my life at my age of 80 in order to provide for myself and two sons since I have retired from
professional photography.
Clayton in West Tennessee


raheemrazzak September 10, 2020 at

This is great, thanks Mack.


Brandon September 10, 2020 at

I’m thankful for this, Mack!


Monet September 10, 2020 at

I can’t wait!!


Frantz September 10, 2020 at

Awesome Mack!! This will really help us. Learning is multidimensional and having a space to discuss and share will be beneficial I’m sure!


WildWex September 10, 2020 at

Excellent idea – huge support! Enable a ‘flag’ posting so that you can be notified if there’s trolling going on but I’d imagine most traders will be professional here. Thanks Mack!


Joseph September 10, 2020 at

Great idea! Win-Win-win.
Thank you for everything Mack!
See you in the forum.


thevmackwin September 10, 2020 at

Congratulations Mack, anything that helps you is understood.
You’re so generous with your time.


shaunabs76 September 10, 2020 at

Great move. This will help the many people who genuinely want to grow. And also take a load off your shoulders Mack’.
Also, it will be great to hear from the other seasoned traders who may be willing to contribute.
Looking forward to it.


Brane September 11, 2020 at

That will be great.
The forum will be of great help to us.
Thank you Mack.


Greatlookinguy September 11, 2020 at

Looking forward to the chatter on the forum! Plenty of advanced students/traders in here who don’t mind making videos of their trades, adding commentary, and helping out the trading community newbies and intermediate students along – bless them and many thanks to them. Thank You for doing this Mack.


davidhuels September 11, 2020 at

This is amazing and totally makes sense Mack. Thanks a million for all your support!


Karen September 14, 2020 at

Awesome! Looking forward to it, Mack.


pbs416 October 7, 2020 at



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